Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) operates at the heart of the globally attractive, deep and liquid Australian financial markets. ASX partners with participants in the securitisation and covered bond markets through Austraclear. The breadth of cash and wholesale physical debt settlement capabilities available through Austraclear make it an integral part of Australia's financial system. It is also a major service provider to the Asia-Pacific region, particularly through the issuing and settlement of Kangaroo bonds.

Austraclear services more than 1,000 participants, holds more than A$3 trillion worth of securities and settles on average more than A$80 billion of transactions per day via a real-time link to the Reserve Bank of Australia's RTGS system.

John Pearce
General Manager, Fixed Income

Mike Thomson
Senior Manager, Business Development, Austraclear
Mahdi Akbari
Analyst, Debt & Collateral


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